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Insurances in the Netherlands

There are many types of insurance in the Netherlands. While certain insurances are compulsory, you do have the freedom to choose the provider. It is then wise to compare policies, fees and premiums and ask your advisor for advice when calculating an insurance policy before choosing an insurance company.
Types of insurance available in the Netherlands
Generally speaking, there are three different types of insurance available in the Netherlands:
Health insurance (zorgverzekering)
All residents of the Netherlands are required to take out basic Dutch health insurance.
General insurance or non-life insurance (schadeverzekering)

General insurance compensates the insured after the occurrence of an insured risk (also known as property and casualty insurance).

Residential premises insurance
Residential premises insurance is a compulsory insurance for expats who buy a house in the Netherlands.

Home / Household insurance
Household contents insurance covers damage caused by burglary, fire etc.

(Foreign) Funeral insurance
For those expatriates who wish to be buried in their homeland.

Life insurance
Life insurance compensates your family in case of your death.

Motor vehicle insurance
Motor vehicle insurance is mandatory for all vehicle drivers (at least for third party liability). The All Risk insurance package covers pretty much everything but there are other packages to choose from as well.

Accident insurance
Accident insurance compensates you or your family in case of accident or death.

Legal assistance insurance / Aid insurance
Legal insurance covers costs of lawyers and other legal services, for example disputes such as social and labour issues, consumer conflicts and housing disputes.

Liability insurance
Liability insurance protects you from claims initiated by another party.

Travel insurance
Travel insurance is extremely useful for expats (and their families) who travel frequently. It covers the cost of flight cancellations, luggage loss and theft, medical costs etc.

Mobile insurance
Are you afraid of breaking or losing your smartphone?

Income insurance
Covers loss of income in case of death, disability or unemployment.

Life insurance mortgage
Usually required for a mortgage.

Survivor insurance
The Dutch government offers coverage to orphaned children and people whose partner passed away. However, this supplement is limited and thus, the survivor insurance balances the loss of income.

Life insurance (levensverzekering)
Life insurance is related to the life or death of a person. For example term life insurance (overlijdensrisicoverzekering) and funeral insurance (uitvaartverzekering).
Compulsory insurances in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, there are a few insurances that are compulsory. For example health insurance (zorgverzekering) and motor vehicle insurance (WA-verzekering).

However, there are other insurances that you are not obliged to take out but you are highly advised to. For example the residential premises insurance (opstalverzekering) for those who want to buy a house and need to take a Dutch mortgage. Often mortgage providers in the Netherlands require you take it out. Call us for more details.
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